Backstory on the Shroud of Turin

Backstory on the Shroud of Turin

s the Shroud of Turin real, or is it a 13th-century fake? Scientists, theologians, and even Christians can’t agree. In this podcast, I will be investigating the mysteries behind the Shroud of Turin. However, I won’t be doing it alone; I will have the help of experts around the globe.

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The Story and Lyrics Behind David Rolfe’s “Who Can He Be”

The Story and Lyrics Behind David Rolfe’s “Who Can He Be”

  On March 27th, The British Society of the Shroud of Turin released a trailer for an upcoming film by Director David Rolfe. The trailer focuses on the song “Who Can He Be,” written by David Rolfe, and showcases the story behind the Shroud of Turin by using imagery of the cloth. 

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Authenticity of the Shroud of Turin

Authenticity of the Shroud of Turin

Science is a beautiful institution. All hypotheses need to stand up to the scrutiny of many other scientists, and the work researching the Shroud’s authenticity is no different.

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What is the Holy Fire and is it connected to the Shroud of Turin?

Have you heard of the Holy Fire? If so, you know it to be “a phenomenon that repeats every year in the Edicule (Anastasis or Tomb of Christ)  of the Holy Sepulcher (Church of the Resurrection) of Jerusalem, and it was recorded annually at least for the past 1200 years.

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