Building a Post Covid Marketing Machine

The Post-Covid Marketing Machine is a supplement to the Marketing Machine book to provide marketers insights into how top brands are pivoting to be ready for the dynamics in a post Covid world.


Code of art.


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About the author.

Guy R. Powell is a marketer, part-time historian, Christian and author of the new historical fiction, The Only Witness: An History of the Shroud of Turin.

The Shroud of Turin is the most valuable yet controversial relic with theories and science proving and disproving its validity as the true burial cloth of Jesus Christ. Powell builds a compelling history of the burial cloth beginning with its witness to the most significant event in human history, the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Powell’s history describes how the Shroud travels from Golgotha in Jerusalem to Edessa, Constantinople, France and finally Turin, Italy. If you are interested in a Christian story intertwined with a possible history of the Shroud then this story, The Only Witness will be of special interest to you.

Guy R. Powell

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