The Only Witness
Is the Shroud of Turin real or is it a 13th century fake? Scientists, theologians and even Christians can’t agree. Whichever side of the controversy you’re on, you’ll love this story of a possible – yet plausible – history of The Only Witness. If you’re a Christian or a Jew, you know there was a burial cloth. If you’re a Christian, you know there was a resurrection. But what happened to the burial cloth? Was there a cloth that witnessed the moment of resurrection?
If it was a witness, was it simply thrown away or was it revered as the most important relic in human existence. Guy R. Powell in his book, The Only Witness, has taken facts and hypotheses to write a compelling history of how the burial cloth of Jesus Christ travels from Golgotha in Jerusalem, through the Roman Empire, through Byzantium, through Europe and how it lands in Turin, Italy. This burial cloth has survived fires, wars, plagues and floods to become the most valuable Christian relic or is the most worthless fake. What do you believe?
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About The Book
Is the Shroud of Turin real or is it a 13th century fake? Scientists, theologians and even Christians can’t agree. Whichever side of the controversy you’re on, you’ll love this story of a possible – yet plausible – history of Jesus’ Resurrection Shroud. If you’re a Christian or a Jew, you know there was a burial cloth. If you’re a Christian, you know there was a resurrection. But what happened to the burial cloth? Was there a cloth that witnessed the moment of resurrection? If it was a witness, was it simply thrown away or was it revered as the most important relic in human existence. Guy R. Powell in his book, The Only Witness, has taken facts and hypotheses to write a compelling history of how the burial cloth of Jesus Christ travels from Golgotha in Jerusalem, through the Roman Empire, through Byzantium, through Europe and how it lands in Turin, Italy. This burial cloth has survived fires, wars, plagues and floods to become the most valuable Christian relic or is the most worthless fake. What do you believe?
Guy R. Powell in his book, The Only Witness, has taken facts and hypotheses to write a compelling history of how the burial cloth of Jesus Christ travels from Golgotha in Jerusalem, through the Roman Empire, through Byzantium, through Europe and how it lands in Turin, Italy. This burial cloth has survived fires, wars, plagues and floods to become the most valuable Christian relic or is the most worthless fake. What do you believe?
What’s inside
Story 1
Late Morning, Friday, April 3rd, 33AD
Joachim could hear the muffled voices but couldn’t make out what they were saying. He was outside helping his mother. His father and Nicodemus were inside talking quietly. It was clear his father was concerned, but Nicodemus was persistent. Edom, Nicodemus’ protege, came a few minutes later and was still out of breath after having raced the entire route from Golgotha. He stood with his hands folded in front of him but said nothing. There was something in the air, but Joachim couldn’t put his finger on it. He was only twelve, but he had seen a lot in his life, or so he thought. His mother was kneading bread underneath their makeshift rain and sun shelter outside their small home. He had helped his mother before but for some reason the kneading went on longer than he was expecting. Maybe it was due to the cooler air slowing the yeast from rising as fast as it would in the Summer.
The discussion between Nicodemus and his father seemed interminable and worse yet, they were speaking softly so that they couldn’t be overheard. As his mother worked her strong arms kneading the bread dough, he was in charge of getting the fire going in their jug oven. It wasn’t difficult since the morning fire still had some glowing embers. After removing the excess ash, his mixture of straw, one piece of wood and another section of dung quickly reached the temperature needed for a good baking fire.
The bread was just going into the oven when his father and Nicodemus came to some resolution. Breakfast was over an hour ago, but they were still gathered around the table. A few pieces of bread and half a citron were on the cutting board. Father was sitting at one end of the table, Nicodemus was to the left where Joachim would sit, and Edom was to his right. Nicodemus used his fingernail to remove a small piece of bread stuck between his teeth. Edom was the third son of Joseph of Arimathea, someone very powerful in the Jewish community. When Edom left Golgotha, he had been given a few coins from Joseph for the purchase and now Edom gave them to Joachim’s father, Jonai of Bethlehem.
The Only Witness contains 13 chapters and 542 pages of a wonderful historical fictional story.

About the author.

Guy R. Powell is a marketing strategist, part-time historian, Christian and author of the new historical fiction, The Only Witness: A History of the Shroud of Turin.
The Shroud of Turin is either the most valuable Christian relic or it is a fake, a fraud. Powell takes historical facts, theories and hypotheses, and builds a compelling history
of the Holy Shroud over the 2000 years of its existence beginning with its witness to the most significant event in human history, the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Powell’s
history follows with how the Shroud travels from Golgotha in Jerusalem to Edessa, Constantinople, France and finally Turin, Italy; how it moves from city to city as global events, such as the invasion of the Roman Empire by the Sassanids and the infamous Fourth Crusade, unfold. If you’re interested in a Christian message intertwined with a possible history of the Shroud, with a few surprises and twists and turns mixed in, then this story, The Only Witness will be of special interest to you.
If you’re interested in a Christian message intertwined with a possible history of the Shroud, with a few surprises and twists and turns mixed in, then this story, The Only Witness will be of special interest to you.
Guy R. Powell
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