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About The Petition
We, the undersigned, are a collective of concerned scientists, historians, theologians, and citizens deeply invested in the integrity of scholarly research and publication. We hereby call for the retraction or amendment of the article published February 16th, 1989 by Nature Magazine titled “Radiocarbon Dating of the Shroud of Turin.” It can be found at: This article presented the results of radiocarbon testing managed by the British Museum in 1988, which concluded that the linen was of medieval origin.
Our call for retraction or article addendum is grounded on the following considerations:
- Sample Contamination Concerns: Subsequent analyses and critiques have raised significant concerns about the possibility of sample contamination. The area from which the 1988 radiocarbon dating samples were taken may have been subject to repairs in medieval times, thus not representative of the entire shroud.
- Methodological and Analytical Flaws: Questions have been raised regarding the methodology employed in the 1988 study, including the statistical analysis of the dating results. These concerns suggest that the conclusions drawn do not reflect the true age of the Shroud of Turin.
- Impact on Interdisciplinary Research: The 1989 Nature article has had profound implications for subsequent research on the Shroud of Turin. A retraction and or amendment would acknowledge these concerns and promote a more nuanced and careful approach to the study of this and similar historical artifacts.
We understand the importance of rigorous scientific investigation and respect the role of Nature Magazine in disseminating high-quality, peer-reviewed research. However, given the substantial doubts cast on the validity of the 1989 article’s conclusions and the potential for these findings to misinform public understanding and scholarly research, we urge Nature Magazine to consider retracting and or amending this article.
Retraction and/or amendment would not undermine the scientific process; rather, it would highlight the evolving nature of scientific inquiry and the importance of revisiting and revising conclusions about the Shroud of Turin in light of new evidence and methodologies. It would also underscore the magazine’s commitment to upholding the highest standards of accuracy and integrity in scientific publishing.
We submit this petition in the spirit of constructive dialogue and in pursuit of scholarly rigor, with the hope that it will lead to a more comprehensive understanding of the Shroud of Turin’s history and significance.
*Special thanks to Joe Marino for all his help in supporting this initiative*

Publications and Articles

The Nature Magazine Article, February 16, 1989 titled: “Radiocarbon Dating of the Shroud of Turin”
Michael Kowalski. The Gracious Guest. “Flawed Shroud of Turin Carbon Dating Report feat. Michael Kowalski”.
Joe Marino. The 1988 C-14 Dating of the Shroud of Turin: A Stunning Expose’. Link to book.
Benford, M. Sue and Joseph G. Marino. “Discrepancies in the radiocarbon dating area of the turin shroud.” Chemistry Today, 2008, 26(4):4–12.
Casabianca Tristan et al. “Radiocarbon Dating of the Turin Shroud: New Evidence from Raw Data.” Archaeometry, 2019, 61(5):1223-1231.
Di Lazzaro, Paolo et al. “Statistical and Proactive Analysis of an Inter-Laboratory Comparison: The Radiocarbon Dating of the Shroud of Turin.” Entropy 2020, 22, 926.
Morgan, John M. III. “Digital image processing techniques demonstrating the anomalous nature of the radiocarbon dating sample area of the Shroud of Turin.” Scientific Research and Essays, July 2012, 7(29):641-265
Riani, Marco et al. “Regression analysis with partially labelled regressors: carbon dating of the shroud of turin.” Statistics and Computing, 2013, 23(4):551–561. ed_regressors_Carbon_dating_of_the_Shroud_of_Turin and click “download.”
Rogers, R.N., 2005. “Studies on the radiocarbon sample from the Shroud of Turin.” Thermochimica Acta, 2005, 425(1–2):189–194.
Schwalbe, Larry and Bryan Walsh. “On Cleaning Methods and the Raw Radiocarbon Data from the Shroud of Turin.” International Journal of Archaeology, June 2021, 9(1):10-16.
Walsh, Bryan and Larry Schwalbe. “An instructive inter-laboratory comparison: The 1988 radiocarbon dating of the Shroud of Turin.” Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports February 2020, Volume 29, 102015.
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*Special thanks to Joe Marino for all his help in supporting this initiative*

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