Marketing Machine
Marketing should be as simple as putting money into the marketing side of the machine and watching revenue spurt out the other side. But if your brand isn’t what you’d like it to be, if your consumer’s purchase cycle is complex or long lasting, or if your products and services don’t lend themselves to being purchased online, you already know it’s not that easy. Guy R. Powell, founder and president of ProRelevant Marketing Solutions, explores four critical dimensions that businesses must master to become best in class and stay best in class.
About The Book
Marketing should be as simple as putting money into the marketing side of the machine and watching revenue spurt out the other side. But if your brand isn’t what you’d like it to be, if your consumer’s purchase cycle is complex or long lasting, or if your products and services don’t lend themselves to being purchased online, you already know it’s not that easy. Guy R. Powell, founder and president of ProRelevant Marketing Solutions, explores four critical dimensions that businesses must master to become best in class and stay best in class.
Marketing needs to be agile
Marketing needs to be prepared for the future
Marketing must own future Marketing needs to be a machine
What’s inside
Marketing Needs to Be a Machine
Marketing Needs to Be Agile
Marketing Owns the Future
Chapter 1
Wouldn’t it be great if we could manage a marketing program knowing that each time we put more money in, we would be able to know exactly how much money we would be able to get out? We know that when we turn on a light we pay for the electricity and we get light. When we put gas into furnace we get heat. The more gas we put in, the hotter it gets. The more we press on the accelerator, the faster the car goes. In each of these cases there is a near- linear relationship between the fuel and the result. That’s what business executives want from their marketing and what shareholders want from their investment. They want to know that if they put in $1,000 or $1,000,000 or $10,000,000, they will be guaranteed to get some positive, known, and repeatable result– a result that is both measurable and closely linked to the level of investment made. .
The Marketing Machine contains nine chapters and 190 pages of insight to the marketing world. Marketing should be as simple as putting money into the marketing side of the machine and watching revenue spurt out the other side. But if your brand isn’t what you’d like it to be, if your consumer’s purchase cycle is complex or long lasting, or if your products and services don’t lend themselves to being purchased online, you already know it’s not that easy.

About the author.

Guy R. Powell is a marketer, part-time historian, Christian and author of the new
historical fiction, The Jesus Resurrection Shroud, A History of the Shroud of Turin. The Shroud of Turin is the most valuable yet controversial relic with theories and science proving and disproving its validity as the true burial cloth of Jesus Christ. Powell builds a compelling history of the burial cloth beginning with its witness to the most significant event in human history, the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Powell’s history describes how the Shroud travels from Golgotha in Jerusalem to Edessa, Constantinople, France and finally Turin, Italy. If you’re interested in a Christian story intertwined with a possible history of the Shroud then this story, The Jesus Resurrection Shroud will be of special interest to you.
Guy R. Powell

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