
Here you can find all content by author Guy Powell including blog posts, interviews, and coming soon the podcast called The Backstory on the Shroud of Turin.

Who Can He Be? A Review of David Rolfe’s New Documentary

Who Can He Be? A Review of David Rolfe’s New Documentary

Who Can He Be? The latest documentary by the director David Rolfe takes you through the history and conspiracy around the authenticity of the Turin Shroud. Director David Rolfe perfectly mixes his intrigue with science and photography with his wife’s belief to create this documentary on the Turin Shroud. He explores the circumstances around the journey of the Shroud of Turin and how it came to be one of the most studied relics of the western world. The documentary discusses how the scientific dating of the Shroud mixes with its historical and religious significance. 

A Quick Bible Study With Myra Adams: Vol 111

“A Quick, Compelling Bible Study Vol. 111: What the New Testament Says About Satan” is a Bible study written by Myra Adams for townhall.com. She is a religious writer with numerous national credits. Her book, “Bible Study For Those Who Don’t Read The Bible,” reprints the first 56 volumes of this study.