guy powell
Guy R. Powell is a marketer, part-time historian, Christian and author of the new historical fiction, The Only Witness: A History of the Shroud of Turin. The Shroud of Turin is the most valuable yet controversial relic with theories and science proving and disproving its validity as the true burial cloth of Jesus Christ.
Powell builds a compelling history of the burial cloth beginning with its witness to the most significant event in human history, the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Powell’s history describes how the Shroud travels from Golgotha in Jerusalem to Edessa, Constantinople, France and finally Turin, Italy. If you’re interested in a Christian story intertwined with a possible history of the Shroud then this story, The Only Witness will be of special interest to you.
My Story
About twelve years ago my brother presented me with a book on the Shroud. It was Ian Wilson’s The Blood and the Shroud: New evidence that the world’s most sacred relic is real. I read it and was immediately fascinated by two things: First, the science behind proving that the Shroud was real and, second, a possible history of the Shroud and how it traveled from Golgotha in Jerusalem through Asia and Europe ending up in Turin. The book was fascinating but was told as a scientific treatise with many cold hard facts and many more complex hypotheses.
After having written several business marketing books, I decided it would be much more engaging to write the history of the Shroud as an historical fiction. This would bring the story of the Shroud, and of course the teachings of Jesus Christ, to life.
I began writing the story over ten years ago, but for many reasons let it sit and age while life and other priorities got in the way. About a year ago during the Covid-19 lockdown I began in earnest to write the book that I thought would present that history of the Shroud. Without compelling evidence throughout the life of the shroud, there is no question that this book is not the definitive history of the Shroud but instead it is only a possible history.
There is no question that there are errors in the story, that there will be disagreement as to how it unfolds. Of that I’m convinced. Over time it will need to be corrected as new data and scientific findings come to light and are made known to me. I look forward to the vigorous debate on what I’ve come up with and your feedback on potential errors or possible alternatives in the story. More importantly I look forward to bringing the teachings of Jesus Christ to Christians and non-Christians alike.
Guy R. Powell

My Books

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